Pride of Kent

The Pride of Kent was launched in 1991 as the European Highway, originally serving P&O Ferries old Dover to Zeebrugge route.

She has since been refurbished and converted to increase the number of cars and passengers she carries and to improve her manoeuvrability and on board facilities.

The Pride of Kent, along with her sister ship the Pride of Canterbury, joined our fleet of cross channel passenger ferries in 2003.


Deck plan

  • A limited number of wheelchairs are available for customers use on board.

  • If you need to be parked close to a lift, please let us know before departure.

  • On the vehicle deck, we can meet and assist wheelchair users.

  • The lifts on our ships are all wheelchair friendly.

  • Disabled toilets can be found on decks 7 and 8.

  • All of our shopping and dining areas are wheelchair accessible.

At your destination point
  • If you’ve used an on board wheelchair, staff will collect it from you when you leave.

  • If you need extra help at your destination port, please let us know. You can contact us by emailing our customer service team on: to check before you travel.

  • A limited number of wheelchairs are available for customers use on board.

  • If you need to be parked close to a lift, please let us know before departure.

  • On the vehicle deck, we can meet and assist wheelchair users.

  • The lifts on our ships are all wheelchair friendly.

  • Disabled toilets can be found on decks 7 and 8.

  • All of our shopping and dining areas are wheelchair accessible.

At your destination point
  • If you’ve used an on board wheelchair, staff will collect it from you when you leave.

  • If you need extra help at your destination port, please let us know. You can contact us by emailing our customer service team on: to check before you travel.




Germany, 1991



200 max

Gross tonnage

Gross tonnage



