Modern Slavery Act Statement

Updated: Wed 22 May 2019

1. Statement

P&O Ferries is committed to carrying out its business in a fair, honest and open manner. We are committed to zero tolerance of any form of slavery, human trafficking or child labour and to uphold the following principles within our business:

  • To adhere to the principles of the United Nations’ Global Compact, UN Declaration of Human Rights and the 1998 International Labour Organisation’s “Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work” in accordance with national law and practice;
  • Not to use child labour younger than the age of 15, even when national law or regulations may permit the employment or work of persons less than 15, recognising that the employment of young children may prevent minors from benefitting from schooling or training and be harmful to their health or development;
  • Never to use forced or compulsory labour;
  • To comply with applicable national laws and regulations regarding working hours, minimum wages and benefits.

We are also committed to ensuring that our suppliers, agents, consultants and contractors throughout our supply chain have or adopt a similar approach. All our suppliers and contractors are required to endorse and adhere to our supplier code of conduct, which includes the above principles. All contracts to be entered into with suppliers and contractors will also contain provisions requiring both parties to comply with all forced labour laws and ensure that neither human trafficking, slavery nor forced labour is taking place either in its business or in any of its supply chains which would violate such laws. The Company shall have the right to terminate any such contracts if this commitment is breached.